Facts and figures

The Finance & Leasing Association is the leading trade body for the assetconsumer and motor finance sectors in the UK. Our members include banks, subsidiaries of banks and building societies, the finance arms of leading retailers and manufacturing companies, and a range of independent firms.

In 2023, FLA members provided £151 billion of new finance to UK businesses, households and the public sector. Of this total, £63 billion was provided by non-bank lenders.

£38 billion was provided in the form of asset finance to businesses - £23 billion of which went to SMEs to fund new equipment, plant and machinery, or purchased software. 

£113 billion was provided in the form of consumer credit, representing almost a third of total new consumer credit written in the UK in 2023. £52 billion of it supported the purchase of new and used cars, including over 78% of private new car registrations.

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